Friday, September 29, 2017

Facial Feminization Rhinoplasty at GNG Hospital!

She will be back in November to undergo other surgeries! Stay tuned! We can't wait to see her transformation!
No implants or artificial materials were used in this surgery! For more information about rhinoplasty or other plastic surgery procedures, contact us now!
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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Friends' Recommendation,GNG Hopspital!

#V-line #Genioplasty #crooked nose #noplant rhinoplasty #nasal valve surgery

Before surgery

I had an insecurity about protruded cheek bone and angular jaw which made my face look bigger ,compare to my skinny and small body size.
And my crooked nose made my face even more angular and protruded :(
Even though, I am early 20s but look so old...
One of the staffs in GNG Hospital who is also my friend recommended me to get rhinoplasty.
I didn't want to use any foreign implants so decided to get Noplant surgery which is GNG Hospital's specialty.

Right after being discharged

I was discharged 1 day after my surgery.
I got facial contouring as well so had more swelling which caused difficulty of breathing.
I could be patient imaging my beautiful face after full recovery. 
When I was discharged, GNG Hospital gave me some more gauze, gargle and ice pack, ect.
7th day post-op

Swelling went down to my lower face so my face looks fat but I could see protruded cheek bone and angular jaws are improved after the surgery.
I was so happy :)
I think time will heal everything especially my bruise.

14th day post-op

I thought it would be perfect once my swelling disappears!
I don't have protruded side cheek bone anymore and this is exactly what I wanted.

21st day post-op

From the side, my nose bridge looks too high but it's only for now and eventually it will get lower and natural.

1 month post-op
I have seen the doctor for 3rd week follow up.
And I went to Europe for a month~
I recovered in Europe hahaha
I was worried but I walked around a lot in Europe which reduced my swelling faster!
And I could enjoy food without any discomfort :)

2 months post-op

This is me in the return flight.
Swelling went down a lot but I gained weight Oops....
3 months post-op
It's been 3 months post-op!!
I had a professional photo shoot.
 Thanks GNG Hospital for giving me a new life and especially Dr.Choi and Dr.Hong who performed my surgery~^^

 Connect with Us!

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Skype : gnghospital4
 Line: gngplasticsurgery
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035
 English Tel: +827044582933

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Beauty Creator's Choice, GNG Hospital!

#Revision rhinoplasty #Zygoma reduction #V-line surgery # Fat graft

Before surgery 

Hello, I am a beauty creator, Pim~^^
As a beauty creator, good make up skill is important but I  had an insecurity because my job requires me to be exposed to many people.
I had a rhinoplasty once but the result was not good.
And I got to know GNG Hospital!
It was specialized in facial surgery and I was looking for revision rhinoplasty and facial contouring to improve my uneven face line!
More over, there is a Thai interpreter who is very helpful since I can't speak Korean.
So I chose to go to GNG Hospital without thinking.

 14th day post-op

I had short tour in Korea after my surgery and follow up treatment and came back to my country~
It's been only 2 weeks post-op so it's still swollen and little bit uncomfortable.
But, fortunately, I can wear a make up ^^

21st day post-op 

It's been 3 weeks post-op and I can see my face line clearly after swelling reduced!
It was a good choice to get all the surgeries!
Even though I came back to my country and still keep in touch with GNG Hospital to ask some questions.
They replied me so fast! 

1 month post-op 

It's been 1 month post-op and started filming my video again as a beauty creator~!
Many people told me that I became prettier >.< ♥

3 months post-op

I think I don't have swelling anymore hehe
I have been doing well and there is no discomfort~
Oh! I went back to GNG Hospital recently to get a check up by doctor and took professional photos!!
I usually do make up by myself but this time someone did for me.
It was interesting feeling~^^

5 months post-op

When I look at the pictures, I can see all my swelling is gone hahaha 
Everything is fine and I almost forgot that I got a surgery ^^;;

6 months post-op 

I am working hard as a beauty creator!
Thanks to GNG Hospital, I am enjoying my job and became happier :)
I was worried and scared of going to another country alone to get a surgery but GNG Hospital
took so good care of me~ I was really comfortable~
I would love to recommend GNG Hospital to all my friends because it is so easy for foreigners to go there to get a surgery on their own.

Studio photos


 Connect with Us!

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Skype : gnghospital4
 Line: gngplasticsurgery
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035
 English Tel: +827044582933

GNG Hospital Changed My Life~

#Bulbous nose #3-step #Cheek bone #Mandible #Genio

Before surgery 

Protruded cheek bone and angular jaw bone made my face look flat and big.  
And my wide nose bone made my nose look blunt and wide :(
I was researching a lot but felt it can't be done in my country so I was looking for a big hospital in Korea. 
Since I am not a Korean and can't speak Korea, I was worried about communication.
Finally, I decided to get a surgery in GNG Hospital! 

7th day post-op

It's been 7th day post-op.
I had follow up treatment and came to a hair salon for free shampoo service!
It is a part of after care service from GNG Hospital and I love it!

14th day post-op 

It's been 14th day post-op~
I walked around a lot after coming back home!
Nothing is better than walking for reducing swelling ;)
Scar healed faster than I thought so I can wear make up even though it's been 2 weeks!

21st day post-op 

It's been 3 weeks post-op!
Major swelling went down a lot and scar is healing pretty well!
My cheek bone and angular jaw bone has been reduced and nose became slimmer.
I am really satisfied~

1 month post-op 

It's been 1 month post-op when I am taking a walk hehe
I think I have swelling remained only on my cheek area!
I am eating well and everything is fine~^^

2 months post-op  

It's been 2 months post-op in a cafe~
I don't have any discomfort and I am doing well ^^
Sometimes when I have a question, I contact the interpreter in GNG Hospital who helped me when I was there and they reply me so fast!!

3 months post-op 

It's been 3 months post-op!
I feel there is no more swelling hehe
My face became very slim!
I love it ~^^
It was the best choice that I got a surgery in GNG Hospital in Korea.
I always recommend GNG Hospital to my friends who are interested in plastic surgery~!

 Connect with Us!

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Skype : gnghospital4
 Line: gngplasticsurgery
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035
 English Tel: +827044582933

Sunday, September 17, 2017

No More Asymmetric Face!

#Double jaw surgery #Male rhinoplasty #Deviated septum surgery # Deviated nose

Before surgery 

When I was little, I got beaten by friends so have had sunken and asymmetric face even now.
As time passes, it becomes stressful and when I eat, my jaw is painful.
So I decided to get a surgery to fix those problems.

 14th day after double jaw surgery

It's been 2 weeks after double jaw surgery.
I still have swelling but I can see my face changed a lot compare to before surgery!
My face became symmetrical!!!
Of course, it was not easy procedure and I had pain and discomfort.
But now I couldn't be happier with my new look! 

1 month after double jaw surgery

It's been one month post-op, I have no discomfort in daily life. 
I still can't have chewy food so I am on a soft diet!

 4 months after double jaw surgery

It's been 4 months post-op!!
Almost all swelling went down and I am recovering well.
 Dr.Choi said my face will keep changing as time passes and I can see my face gets better everyday!
So I have high expectation now :)

5 months after double jaw surgery

I didn't realize before but I can see it got so much better after surgery when comparing with my old pictures.
Now I can have hard food and don't have discomfort at all! haha.

6 months after double jaw surgery 

It's been a half year from the double jaw surgery!
I actually wanted to get rhinoplasty too but Dr.Choi suggested me to wait until I have full recovery haha. so I was waiting for this moment so much!
Because I had sunken face as well as deviated septum, I had difficulty of breathing.

14th days after rhinoplasty 

It's been 2 weeks from rhinoplasty :)
Since I got double jaw surgery, rhinoplasty was nothing!
Fortunately, my recovery was fast so had no problem with breathing and my nose became straight! 
I am so happy!

21st day after rhinoplasty 

Now my face is fully recovered and nose is healing well without any problem :) 
My friends said I look like a different person hehe
Happy to hear that!

1 month after rhinoplasty 

It's an ordinary day~
Surgery site healed well.
Moreover, I gained high self-esteem!

2 months after rhinoplasty 

It's been two months after rhinoplasty. 
People said I look cheerful!
I am really satisfied with the result.

3 months after rhinoplasty

I almost forgot about my past when I was having difficult time due to the facial asymmetry and now I am enjoying everyday.
Thanks Dr.Choi and Dr.Lee for giving me a new life and taking care of me so well.
Thanks to the consultant, staffs and the nurses who took care of me and comforted me!!

 Connect with Us! 

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Skype : gnghospital4
 Line/Wechat: gngplasticsurgery
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035
 English Tel: +827044582933

Friday, September 15, 2017

Real story-Dahye's Concern: Uneven Face Line

Before surgery

I am a normal girl in my 20s who has a insecurity on uneven and asymmetric face line but I thought it was just a fat and sagging skin.
I just followed my friend who was looking for a hospital for rhinoplasty and double jaw surgery and I wanted to just get a consultation at GNG Hospital!
Even though I was just getting a consultation, the consultant and doctor checked my condition thoroughly and set up a precise surgery plan. So as soon as I realized that my problem was not a fat on my face, I decided right away to get a surgery.
This is me before surgery. 
I tried so hard to lose weight but my face line was not changed at all... even though I am young, I have sagging skin which made my face line worse...
I think fat on my cheek and angular jaw bone made my sagging skin more obvious :(

7th day post -op 

It's been 7 days post-op!! 
There is some swelling but I could see the change right away!!
I was actually surprised that I didn't get much swelling and almost no bruise.
My friends said I look cute like a hamster hahaha.  

14th day post-op

21st day post-op 

1 month post-op 

I went to Jeonju for a short trip~
I wore a beautiful Hanbok which is Korean traditional dress ;)
It was so fun!
Major swelling went down a lot so I think after small swelling goes away, it will be perfect!
Doctor said my recovery speed is really fast haha.

 2 months post-op

It's been 2 months post-op!
I used to hid my face line with my hair.
But, these days, I tie up my hair all the time hehehe(I feel so confident!)
Honestly, I got pretty and feminine face line after the surgery.
That's why, even when I tie my hair, still look pretty :)  

3 months post-op

 It's been 3 months post-op! 
Actually, I was worried about sagging skin but it was an useless worry.
 Thank you so much Dr.Choi  

 6 months post-op

It's been 6 months post-op~!
I feel there is almost no swelling.
Not to mention I am fully recovered, the nurses were so kind and professional.
Facial contouring surgery gave me a new  life 
Thank you GNG Hospital!

 Studio photos

 Connect with Us! 

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Skype : gnghospital4
 Line/Wechat: gngplasticsurgery
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035
 English Tel: +827044582933