Wednesday, September 20, 2017

GNG Hospital Changed My Life~

#Bulbous nose #3-step #Cheek bone #Mandible #Genio

Before surgery 

Protruded cheek bone and angular jaw bone made my face look flat and big.  
And my wide nose bone made my nose look blunt and wide :(
I was researching a lot but felt it can't be done in my country so I was looking for a big hospital in Korea. 
Since I am not a Korean and can't speak Korea, I was worried about communication.
Finally, I decided to get a surgery in GNG Hospital! 

7th day post-op

It's been 7th day post-op.
I had follow up treatment and came to a hair salon for free shampoo service!
It is a part of after care service from GNG Hospital and I love it!

14th day post-op 

It's been 14th day post-op~
I walked around a lot after coming back home!
Nothing is better than walking for reducing swelling ;)
Scar healed faster than I thought so I can wear make up even though it's been 2 weeks!

21st day post-op 

It's been 3 weeks post-op!
Major swelling went down a lot and scar is healing pretty well!
My cheek bone and angular jaw bone has been reduced and nose became slimmer.
I am really satisfied~

1 month post-op 

It's been 1 month post-op when I am taking a walk hehe
I think I have swelling remained only on my cheek area!
I am eating well and everything is fine~^^

2 months post-op  

It's been 2 months post-op in a cafe~
I don't have any discomfort and I am doing well ^^
Sometimes when I have a question, I contact the interpreter in GNG Hospital who helped me when I was there and they reply me so fast!!

3 months post-op 

It's been 3 months post-op!
I feel there is no more swelling hehe
My face became very slim!
I love it ~^^
It was the best choice that I got a surgery in GNG Hospital in Korea.
I always recommend GNG Hospital to my friends who are interested in plastic surgery~!

 Connect with Us!

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Skype : gnghospital4
 Line: gngplasticsurgery
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035
 English Tel: +827044582933

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