Sunday, September 17, 2017

No More Asymmetric Face!

#Double jaw surgery #Male rhinoplasty #Deviated septum surgery # Deviated nose

Before surgery 

When I was little, I got beaten by friends so have had sunken and asymmetric face even now.
As time passes, it becomes stressful and when I eat, my jaw is painful.
So I decided to get a surgery to fix those problems.

 14th day after double jaw surgery

It's been 2 weeks after double jaw surgery.
I still have swelling but I can see my face changed a lot compare to before surgery!
My face became symmetrical!!!
Of course, it was not easy procedure and I had pain and discomfort.
But now I couldn't be happier with my new look! 

1 month after double jaw surgery

It's been one month post-op, I have no discomfort in daily life. 
I still can't have chewy food so I am on a soft diet!

 4 months after double jaw surgery

It's been 4 months post-op!!
Almost all swelling went down and I am recovering well.
 Dr.Choi said my face will keep changing as time passes and I can see my face gets better everyday!
So I have high expectation now :)

5 months after double jaw surgery

I didn't realize before but I can see it got so much better after surgery when comparing with my old pictures.
Now I can have hard food and don't have discomfort at all! haha.

6 months after double jaw surgery 

It's been a half year from the double jaw surgery!
I actually wanted to get rhinoplasty too but Dr.Choi suggested me to wait until I have full recovery haha. so I was waiting for this moment so much!
Because I had sunken face as well as deviated septum, I had difficulty of breathing.

14th days after rhinoplasty 

It's been 2 weeks from rhinoplasty :)
Since I got double jaw surgery, rhinoplasty was nothing!
Fortunately, my recovery was fast so had no problem with breathing and my nose became straight! 
I am so happy!

21st day after rhinoplasty 

Now my face is fully recovered and nose is healing well without any problem :) 
My friends said I look like a different person hehe
Happy to hear that!

1 month after rhinoplasty 

It's an ordinary day~
Surgery site healed well.
Moreover, I gained high self-esteem!

2 months after rhinoplasty 

It's been two months after rhinoplasty. 
People said I look cheerful!
I am really satisfied with the result.

3 months after rhinoplasty

I almost forgot about my past when I was having difficult time due to the facial asymmetry and now I am enjoying everyday.
Thanks Dr.Choi and Dr.Lee for giving me a new life and taking care of me so well.
Thanks to the consultant, staffs and the nurses who took care of me and comforted me!!

 Connect with Us! 

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Skype : gnghospital4
 Line/Wechat: gngplasticsurgery
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 English Tel: +827044582933

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