Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Haeun's Real story! Alar Plasty, Bulbous Nose, Wide Nose, Nasal Obstruction

Haeun Kim #alarplasty #bulbousnose #widenose #nasalobstruction

Before surgery

7th day post-op

The cast was removed on the 7th day post-op!
I still need to be careful but I am meeting my friends, going to work and having normal life.
I can see my nose tip is lifted nicely hehe :)
14th day post-op

2 silicon pads were removed on the 2nd week post-op.
Breathing was a lot easier :)
21st day post-op

Swelling went down a lot and I can see the shape more clearly!!
Isn't it pretty? 
All my friends said the result is really good hehe
1 month post-op

Finally, it's been 1 month post-op!
Originally, I wanted to get alar plasty with rhinoplasty but doctor suggested for me to wait for 2 months to see the shape after swelling goes down which will give a better idea whether I actually need it or not. 
So I have been waiting for 2 months! 
2 months post-op

FINALLY!!! I got alar plasty guys !!!!
It is like a magic! haha
I was worried about the scar because I have read some reviews about the bad scar which looks messy.
But mine was really clean and almost not visible! (YEAH!!)
3 months post-op

I feel I don't have swelling anymore and it looks really natural!
Also, I feel way more comfortable when I breath. 
Why didn't I get it earlier?
I feel really happy~ Thank you GNG Hospital and good luck in everything!

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 Line: gngplasticsurgery
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