Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Zygoma Reduction And Revision Rhinoplasty, Jeongwoo's Concern's Solved!

Before surgery

Since long time ago, I have had complex on my blunt nose and protruded cheekbone. 
I thought once my nose becomes slimmer, my face could look slimmer too so I got a rhinoplasty in another hospital but I was not satisfied with the result. 
It made my blunt nose look worse(bigger) and silicon was not smoothly connected with my forehead so it looked very unnatural.
Moreover, after the surgery, I got nasal congestion which was not there before the surgery.
It was very uncomfortable and affected my daily life.

I was so stressed and realized that only rhinoplasty couldn't fix my wide face shape.
And I found out that GNG Hospital can solve my problem and is trustworthy since it is famous for its revision rhinoplasty and there is an oral and maxillofacial specialist who knows well about facial structure.

14 days post-op

It is been 2 weeks from the surgery.
Because of functional nose surgery, for 1 week, my nose was blocked with supporting inner cast and packing which made me feel hard to breathe.
After removing inner cast on the 14th days post-op, I can't forget how fresh the first breath was.
Over all my nose still has swelling but pain was little :)

1 month post-op

My recovery took so fast and protruded cheekbone went in which made my face line look more smooth!
My nose also became defined after the revision rhinoplasty.

2 months post-op

I took this photos when I came for 2 months follow up treatment in GNG Hospital haha.
The scar healed well and swelling is almost gone so I was happy!

3 months post-op

It's been 3 months post-op. 
This is exactly what I wanted and I am very satisfied.
Swelling has gone a lot and scar healed well so it is almost not visible :)

6 months post-op

Doctor said swelling goes away until 6 months which was true :)
I didn't realized it but when I compared with old pictures It was obviously different.
The result was satisfactory. 
My complex which gave me a lot of stress disappeared at once. I couldn't be more than happy.
Thanks to GNG Hospital, my complex was solved and revision surgery went well.
I am really happy with the result and appreciate GNG Hospital!

Studio photos

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 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
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  1. Hi, nice article, Revision Rhinoplasty clients are those people who are not very happy with the first procedure of Rhinoplasty. They did not get the result that they expected.

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