Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Kitty's Plastic Surgery Makeover at GNG Hospital!!! Amazing Transformation!!

사실 전 1년 전에 이미 코 수술을 받았었어요. 수술 후 결과는 좀 실망스러웠죠..
다시 수술을하려고 결심했을 때, 전 제 말을 잘 들어주고 제가 원하는 코를 만들어줄곳을 찾기 시작했어요.
의사의 실력과 안전이 저한텐 가장 중요했죠.
물론 수술 전후사진을 보고 끌리긴했지만, GNG가 정말 끌렸던건 
의사선생님들이 코성형과 이비인후과쪽으로 둘다 뛰어나시다는 거였어요.
GNG는 코의 기능과 미용을 동시에 봐줄수 있다는 점에서 다른 병원과 확실히 달랐어요!
그리고 저는 제가 코모양과 기능을 동시에 봐줄 선생님을 찾고 있다는걸 알게됐죠ㅎㅎ
그리고 전 그때 마침 코랑 얼굴 윤곽쪽도 같이 할 병원을 찾고 있었거든요. 전 얼굴 지방이식도 하고싶었어요.
최종적으로 제가 GNG를 선택하기로 마음먹은 가장 큰 이유중에 하나는 외국인 환자를 케어해주기 위한 준비가 되어있었던거에요!
전 아주 예전부터 한국에서 수술을 받어려고 생각하고있었고 병원에서 절 도와주길 바랬어요.
GNG병원은 입원실, 전문 통역 서비스, 공항 픽업, 그리고 심지어 제 숙박 예약까지 도와주더라구요!
GNG는 제가 한국에 편히 지낼 수 있도록 많은 도움을 줬어요ㅎㅎ
전 의사선생님을 만나 수술의 디테일을 설명들을 생각에 너무 기분이 좋았어요.
모두 저한테 행운을 빌어주세요!

I’ve been thinking seriously about cosmetic surgery at GNG and wanted to share my thoughts. 
I actually had my first rhinoplasty about a year ago, and since then I have been considering a revision. After my first rhinoplasty I felt a little disappointed in the result and look .
After deciding to opt for a revision rhinoplasty, I started to look for a clinic that would listen to me, and help me achieve my desired look. 
A skilled doctor and safety was very important to me. 
I was initially attracted to the before and after photos, 
but what truly made me interested in GNG was learning that GNG had doctors that specialize in ENT Rhinoplasty and Revision Rhinoplasty. 
I think GNG stands apart from other clinics because they care about both the inside and outside of your nose. 
It made me realized that I wanted a doctor who cared about both the function of my nose, and also the look of my nose. 
At the same time, I was looking for a hospital that could perform revision rhinoplasty and facial contouring surgery together. 
I am also interested in facial fat-grafting. 
Finally, I think what has made up my mind most of all, is the services and care GNG provides to foreign patients. 
I decided a long time ago that I wanted to have my surgeries in Korea and I would need a clinic that could help me. 
GNG has a hospitalization ward, translation services, airport pickup and even can help with my hotel booking. 
Knowing that GNG can help me throughout my stay in Korea gives me a lot of peace of mind. 
I’m really excited to meet the doctors and discuss the details of my surgeries. Wish me luck!

수술 후 8일차에는 경복궁과 북촌 한옥마을을 다녀왔어요!
궁전, 건축물과 전통 한옥마을 사진을 많이 찍었어요^^
8일차라 아직 콧물이 좀 나왔지만 한국의 유명한 역사 유물들과 과거를 놓칠순 없었어요 ㅋㅋㅋ

Day 8 I went to Gyeongbokgung Palace I also went to Bukchon Hanok Village. I was able
to take lots of photos of the scenery, palace gardens, and palace architecture and of the
traditional village as well. Day 8 I was still pretty swollen, but I wanted to take advantage
of the opportunity to see some famous historical sites while in Korean.​

수술 후 14일차에요.
콧망울이 많이 작아지고 코도 슬림해진게 눈으로 보여요!
그리고 윤곽도 작아진게 보입니다ㅎㅎ
시간이 지날수록 매일매일이 달라져 결과가 기대됩니다!

Today is day 14 Post-Op.
I can see my alars are smaller, and my nose looks slimmer. 
I can also see how my chin is smaller. I also love how youthful I look from my fat-graft.
The difference is very noticeable, and I think it looks great already. I’m looking forward to
each day, as more results become more apparent.​

어느새 한달째 후기를 적고있다니 짱으네요ㅋㅋㅋ
집으로 돌아오고 나서 전 일상생활로 돌아왔어요~
많이 서있어야 하는 일을 해서 걱정이었는데 체력도, 식욕도 정상적으로 돌아와서 너무 좋아요!
요즘엔 건강한 음식도 먹고 물도 많이 마시고 있어요.
아무튼, 결과가 너무 만족스럽고 큰 부기도 거의 빠졌어요.
저를 이쁘게 만들어주신 성, 최원장님께 너무 감사드려요ㅎㅎ
원장님들이 정말 저에게 딱 맞는 수술을 해주시고 신경써주신게 보여요!

I’m happy to update you on my progress One Month Post-Op.
Since being back in my home, I have returned to my normal life. My energy, and
appetite are back to normal, and I feel great. This is good, since my work requires me to stand
for long hours. I eat a healthy diet, and drink lots of water.​
I’m very happy with the results, and now that a large portion of the swelling has
resolved I’m able to see my results. I’m very happy with Dr. Seong and Dr. Choi’s work, and I can
tell they worked hard to strive for my beauty goals. I can also see how both Doctors worked to
make my surgeries personalized, and suited for me.​

수술후 3개월째 후기 쓰네요.
이젠 거의 다 나아서 뭔가 쓸말은 없어요ㅎㅎ
전 아주 잘지내고 있고 화장 할때도 아무런 통증 없이 잘 할 수 있습니다!
수영도하고 활동적인 운동을해도 아프지 않아요!
그리고 좋은건 지금도 GNG 직원분들이 잘 신경써주시고 있어서 
언제든 편하게 연락하고 물어볼 수 있어 심적으로도 너무 안정이 되고 감사합니다~^^
그저 GNG에서 수술했다는게 너무 감사하고 기쁘네요.
제 새로운 얼굴에 너무 만족합니다!

I am officially 3 months Post-Op. 
There isn’t too much to report since I have mostly healed.​
My life is back to normal, I’m wearing make-up without any sensitivity. I’ve been
swimming, and enjoy other actives without any trouble or sensitivity. I’ve also been very happy
that my translator from GNG has reached out to me several times to check in on my progress.
GNG has made themselves very easy to connect with, and I appreciate that. It gives me a lot of
peace of mind to know that I could reach them if I ever had any questions.
All in all, I would say I’m very happy with my surgeries from GNG. I’ve been enjoying my
youthful new face, and I’ve been loving how confident and happy I feel. I’m very thankful that
GNG took such great care of me,​

4개월차 후기!
4개월차때는 수술후 처음으로 치과에 갔었어요.
조금 걱정이었는데 수술 부위도 잘 아물어서 문제 없었답니다ㅎㅎ
최영달원장님이 수술을 잘해주신 덕분인것같아요!ㅋㅋㅋ

Today I am writing with my 4-month post-op update!
A few days ago I had my first dentist visit since my surgeries with GNG. I was a little
nervous because I had facial contouring. However, everything went perfectly well, and I felt no
pain or discomfort, my body has quite returned to normal. So I know that my facial conouring
was a success, and I can tell Dr. Choi did an excellent job.​
I also had a special event early this June. I was so happy to take lots of photos and selfies
with my friends. My new look has given me lots of confidence. 

6개월차! 전 일상셍활로 돌아왔고 제가 가장 좋아했던 것들을 잘 즐기고 있어요!
이제 더이상 아프거나 당기지 안하요! 걱정없이 어떤 음식이던 잘먹고, 코 밑의 흉터도 조금씩 없어져서 이젠 거의 보이지 않아요!
6개월이란 시간이 이렇게 빨리 지났다니 믿기지 않네요! 
수술후 며칠 이후론 회복이 아주 쉬웠어요! 전 지금 제 모습에 너무 만족스럽고 
어려지고 귀여워진 제 모습을 너무 사랑해요!
GNG에서의 수술결과는 너무 만족스럽고 의사선생님들의 실력과 직원분들께 너무 감사드려요!^^

My life has been back to normal, and I’m enjoying all my regular
and favorite things. I haven’t had any pain, or tenderness. I have been able to eat all types of
foods without worry, and little by little the scar under my nose becomes less noticeable. I can’t
believe 6 months passed so quickly! After the first few days the recovery period was very easy!
I’ve been loving my results, and I love how youthful and cute I feel these days. I’m very happy
with my results from GNG and want to give a big thank you to the skilled doctors and wonderful
staff at GNG.​


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