Tuesday, January 2, 2018

GNG Hospital Plastic Surgery Aftercare

One of the most important things that a patient should understand before undergoing the knife, is that the surgery, itself, is only half of it. Post operative care and proper rehabilitation is just as important as the surgery and should not be taken lightly. It is imperative after surgery that you follow your doctor’s instructions to avoid any complications and to ensure a smooth, quick recovery.

Not only does GNG focus on the surgery itself, but on the importance of systematic post-operative care. From therapeutically pressure-concentrated oxygen treatment to high-frequency infrared de-swelling laser care, the quickest, smoothest recovery can be ensured. With 31 private hospital rooms ready in our ward under the finest clinical care by the leading medical team, the patient can stay up to 1-3 nights to provide a thorough, safe, and full recovery during their stay.

Once the patient has finished his/her surgery, immediate post-op care will be proceeded until the day they are discharged. Upon discharge, the patient will be given a complimentary post-op care goody bag to take care of themselves when they are at home. The patient will return every few days (decided by the doctor) to undergo follow-up post-op care.

Each patient's care bag is a bit different based on their surgery, but it usually consists of the following:

Pumpkin juice
Ice pack/Warm pack
Medication + Vitamins
Masks and gauze
Antiseptic mouthwash (facial bone)
Post-op care guide
Post-op hair service ticket

Post-op care: hyperbaric oxygen therapy, infrared LED treatment, 20 minute high-frequency wave swelling care, swelling injection, facial skin care, oral swelling medication

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