Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Real Story-Like It's Reputation, GNG Hospital Is The Best!

<Before surgery>

Hello~ I am Ray from China. 
I came to Korea to get a surgery in GNG Hospital!
GNG Hospital is famous in China and I have heard that its surgery result is very good and it's safe so I decided to get a surgery in GNG Hospital!
My main concern was wide nose tip and square shape face. 

<3 days post-op> 

It's my 3rd day post-op. Swelling is so bad! :(

 <4 days post-op>

However, my swelling has gone a lot in one day! :)​ 

<8 days post-op>

Major swelling has gone after 1 week.
I guess, my recovery speed is really fast!

<15 days post-op> 

Now I can wear a make up and wash my face!

 <1 month post-op>

It's been one and a half month from my surgery! 
My recovery is really fast but it's said that doctor's skill also a key fact to decide swelling ^^

<2 months post-op>

It's been already 2 months!
I came back to China and am having a good time :)

 <3 months post-op>

It is been exact 100 days post-op! :)
This is when I was in a resort with my friend for a short trip~
It was not easy choice as a foreigner to go to Korea to get a surgery alone.
But all the staffs and doctors in GNG Hospital were kind, helpful and took care of me well so there was no problem!
Especially, I appreciate its thorough after care service! 
I will visit GNG Hospital in my next trip to Korea to get some facial treatment :)


Connect with Us! 

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Line/Wechat: gngplasticsurgery
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035
 English Tel: +827044582933


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