Tuesday, September 4, 2018

What is Septal Deviation?

l  A Definition of Septal Deviation

Septum is like a wall between nostrils in the center of your nose. 
When it is not straight and deviated in a C or S curve,
 it is called Septal Deviation. 
Even if your nose looks straight from the outside, 
you might have Septal Deviation 
if you’ve been struggled from a nasal congestion, rhinitis, or empyema.

l  Symptoms of Septal Deviation

Unlike a normal nose that has straight septum, 
a nose that has Septal Deviation is likely to have nasal congestion 
because the deviated septum blocks the airway. 
This causes uneven turbino as well, which worsens the nasal congestion. 
Eventually it leads to a megrim, 
sleep disorder such as snoring and sleep apnea, 
bad breath due to the drying inside your mouth, 
the decline of concentration and motivation, etc.

l  How to Correct Septal Deviation

Prior to operation, 
GNG provides our patients full body examination 
including 3D-CT scans and X-Ray. 
Based on that, our ENT specialists diagnose your Septal Deviation 
and make a specific surgery plan.

During the surgery, 
our specialist makes the minimum incision 
and remove excessive septal cartilage. 
And then, the specialist straightens the deviated septum. 
Then it’s done! 

l  Benefits of GNG Septal Deviation Correction

-       Makes the Minimum Excision to Minimize Any Side-Effect.

If the excision is made excessively, 
there’s a chance to get side-effects, 
such as perforation, excessive bleeding, upturned nose, etc. 
But GNG makes the minimum excision to prevent it!

- Prevents the Recurrence.

Once a septum is deviated, 
it tends to go back to its original position 
even after the surgery. 
So the recurrence might occur. 
But GNG prevents it with ENT specialists 
who have more than 10 years of experience. 
We provide you an accurate diagnosis 
according to the 3D-CT scans and nasal endoscope.
 Based on that, our ENT specialists make the minimum excision 
and fix it.

-       Performs Septoplasty + Nasal Valve Reconstruction At Once.

Nasal valve is a roof of the nose that adjusts the airflow. 
If it’s attached,
 it is hard to correct nasal congestion only with the septoplasty. 
GNG specialists can perform 
septoplasty and nasal valve reconstruction at once, 
which requires a high level technique!

-       Functional + Aesthetic Surgery At Once!

GNG corrects inside and outside issue of your nose at once! 
By correcting the deviated septum and attached nasal valve,
 your nasal congestion can be improved.
 At the same time, 
you can get a beautiful nose 
that suits your face structure and ratio!

Contact us!

Kakao: gnghospital
Line: gngplasticsurgery
Email: surgeon@gnghospital.com
Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035
English Tel: +82-70-4626-6042

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