Thursday, May 3, 2018

Functional Surgery at GNG Hospital along with rhinoplasty at once!

When you have deviated nose or difficulty of breathing, it is highly likely you would have nasal obstruction(deviated septum/enlarged turbinates/narrow nasal valve). It can be inborn or acquired. 

* Symptoms of deviated septum, chronic hypertrophic rhinitis and nasal valve stenosis: A deviated septum is a condition in which the nasal septum composed of the bone and cartilage is significantly off center, leading to enlargement of the middle or inferior turbinates. It causes nasal congestion in most cases, but if it gets worse, it is accompanied by several symptoms requiring surgical correction.

There are 3 types of functional surgery to fix deviated nose and inner structure.

1. Septoplasty: The nasal septum is opened to expose the septum cartilage and bones, then the deviated part is straightened, fixed in place, and the incision is sutured.
2. Turbinoplasty: After the nasal mucosa is incised, turbinate bones and the nasal mucosa are removed as much as necessary.
3. Nasal Valve Reconstruction: Autologous or donated cartilage is used to widen the narrow nasal valve.

Our rhinoplasty and ENT specialists consider not only outer shape but also function and inner structure so patient can get the aesthetic surgery and functional surgery at the same time at GNG Hospital! :) 

Contact us!

Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
Line: gngplasticsurgery
Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035 /+821090162035
English Tel: +82-70-4626-6042 / +82-70-4626-6044

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