Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Rhinoplasty Without Artificial Implant at GNG Hospital! -- NoPlant Nose Job

이미지: 사람 1명, 셀카, 근접 촬영

Rhinoplasty Without an Implant?

In Korea, silicone and goretex is widely used for its sleek, perfect finish. In photos, especially, the nose can look perfect in every angle. Silicone can be a great option for patients with low height and/or minimal definition. However, in the case that the patient has an adequate aesthetic height, there's no actual reason for an implant. To thin the nose, the bones do need to be broken, but this can be done in a way that would not require a subsequent dorsal implant. 

이미지: 사람 1명, 웃고 있음, 셀카, 근접 촬영

So, what are the options?

We can harvest cartilage from either your nasal septum or possibly the ear, then graft it into the bridge, eliminating the need for a nasal implant. In the case that the patient doesn't have enough of both, then donor cartilage will be used instead or fused with the other materials. Another popular option can also be cartilage extraction from the patient's rib. Through advanced methods and 
primary focus on research and development ahead of its time, GNG Hospital has developed the NoPlant Rhinoplasty

이미지: 사람 1명, 셀카, 근접 촬영

What is NoPlant Rhinoplasty?

NoPlant Rhinoplasty uses dermis and bionic prosthesis instead of artificial prosthesis. Usually, dermis tends to be absrobed as time passes.
Since NoPlant Rhinoplasty uses fine ground diced cartilage powder wrapped in fascia, the possibility of absorption is very low and shock resistant. The bridge line is very natural and people will hardly notice you did rhinoplasty!

Another case when NoPlant rhinoplasty is needed is when medial osteotomy or rasping is needed for a hump nose. Since the bones cannot be cut or rasped down perfectly straight, diced cartilage can be used to fill in the grooves of the bridge for a more smooth, sleek flow from bridge to tip - mimicking that of an artificial implant.

This method is also popular to patients who are considering revision after a botched nose job or implant rejection.

Why GNG Hospital? 

People interested in plastic surgery do not take into consideration that an aesthetic nose may result in functional problems. This may include things like reduced nasal passage way resulting in nasal obstruction or problems with breathing. Reduced nasal airway can result from different procedures meant to give your nose its desired shape, including lateral osteotomy, narrowing of nasal cartilage along with alar reduction. However, at GNG this is not an issue at all since our doctors are ENT certified.

After an X-Ray and CT scan and face to face consultation with ours doctors, the doctor and you will decide which method is best for you and your nose based on your nose structure, skin type, and ideal nose type. 

All factors will be considered when deciding which method is best for you. 

Questions about rhinoplasty and which method is best for you and your nose type? Let us know!

Free online consultation! Inquire now 💚

Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
Skype/WeChat : gnghospital4
Line: gngplasticsurgery
Email: surgeon@gnghospital.com
Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035 /+821090162035
English Tel: +82-70-4626-6042 / +82-70-4626-6044

HOMEPAGE: http://www.gnghospital.com/en/
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/gngplasticsurgerykorea/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiYnG4Nmess5QrrZI3PHQg/
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Real Review ! Before and After Facial Contouring Surgery

Before Surgery

"Hello everyone! My name is Dahye and I want to share my surgery experience at GNG Hospital!"

I always had concerns about my uneven facial line and didn't like my asymmetric face line. I thought this is because of my fat and baby fat. When my friend was looking for hospital for two jaw surgery and rhinoplasty, I visited GNG Hospital together and had consultation with my friends.

Though I didn't have plan to get plastic surgery and just got consultation, GNG Hospital provided meticulous examinations before consultation. During the consultation, I found my problem is not my fat but facial BONE!!

Before the surgery, though I lost quite a lot of weight, my facial line was uneven and my skin was droopy. I think my fat and square mandible made my skin look more droopy."

A Week Post Operation

"After one week, I am still swollen up but I can see the change after surgery! I was surprised that I don't have much swelling and bruise. My friends said I look cute as hamster!"

Two Weeks After Surgery

"It has been two months after surgery. I used to hide my uneven facial line with my hair, but these days I like to tie my hair up and do all types of hairstyles I could never do before because of my big face!!" 

Three Weeks Post Operation

"Today is Christmas! Though it's been less than one month, I don't have any trouble in my daily life. My friends said, I look much prettier than before and very natural!"

"On one month post operation, I went to Jeon-Ju city for travel. I walked around wearing Korean traditional dress. Swelling went away faster than I expected but still small swelling has left on my face. Except it, everything is perfect! Even doctors and nurses said, I am recovering really fast!"

"It has been two month after surgery. I used to hide my facial line with hair before the surgery, these days I like to tie my hair and do pony-tail style!" 

Three months post operation

" I worried about my skin would be droopy but I don't need to worry about it. I can't find droopy skin at all. "

Six month Post Operation!
"Most of swelling has gone. I am recovering really well. Everything is perfect!😄 
Nurses at GNG Hospital were really nice and specially thanks to Doctor Choi!
Only with facial contouring, I feel like I have got new life!"

Thank you GNG Hospital!!

Connect With Us!
Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
Skype/WeChat : gnghospital4
Line: gngplasticsurgery
Email: surgeon@gnghospital.com
Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035 
English Tel: +82-70-4626-6042

HOMEPAGE: http://www.gnghospital.com/en/
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/gngplasticsurgerykorea/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiYnG4Nmess5QrrZI3PHQg/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/gnghospital_en
FB: https://www.facebook.com/gnghospital.eng

Friday, December 22, 2017

Why You Should Never Use an L-shaped Silicone!

L Silicone VS. I Silicone Implant

L-shaped implants are quick and easy to use when projecting the overall height of the nasal bridge and tip. With half the surgery time, the patient can get an easy projected (taller) line linked from bridge to tip. They were used in the past due to the easy, simple handling and reduced time in the surgery room. However, with the advancement of technology and methods, the I implant has come a long way to help surgeons design a more natural nose line from bridge to tip.

Some issues with the notorious L implant include:
⟹ Pressure from the corner angle of the L causing extrusion or necrosis in the tip ⟹ Bulbous or stretched nose tip ⟹A Pointy or unnatural line and tip ⟹Redness and/or thinning of skin ⟹Higher risk of infection ⟹Unsatisfactory elevation/balance of the dorsum or tip

The idea of the shape of the L implant may have been a good idea, but it has not achieved the results that were intended.

As you can see in the photo above, the skin above the implant doesn't remain the same. The skin becomes thinner and thicker along the bridge while the corner angle of the L has an uneven amount of skin and fat tissue around it.

For more information about which implant is safe and recommended by GNG Doctors, let us know!

GNG Hospital offers:
⧭⧭ Diced Cartilage (rib or donated)
⧭⧭ Customized Silicone
⧭⧭ Customized Goretex
⧭⧭ Skin + Fat Graft
⧭⧭ Fascia Wrap
⧭⧭ Filler

Connect With Us!
Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
Skype/WeChat : gnghospital4
Line: gngplasticsurgery
Email: surgeon@gnghospital.com
Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035 
English Tel: +82-70-4626-6042

HOMEPAGE: http://www.gnghospital.com/en/
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/gngplasticsurgerykorea/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiYnG4Nmess5QrrZI3PHQg/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/gnghospital_en
FB: https://www.facebook.com/gnghospital.eng

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Body Examination in GNG Hospital

Unlike other small clinics, GNG Hospital is a hospital-level facility and accredited by the Korean government. We conduct medical examinations covering about 50 different areas from blood, heart, lung, chest, liver, urine, and more, to ensure the safest surgery possible. In addition, we will take a panoramic 3D CT X Ray scan prior to every surgery. #safetyfirst

<Full body examination, examination center at 3rd floor>

Connect With Us!
Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
Skype/WeChat : gnghospital4
Line: gngplasticsurgery
Email: surgeon@gnghospital.com
Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035 
English Tel: +82-70-4626-6042

HOMEPAGE: http://www.gnghospital.com/en/
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/gngplasticsurgerykorea/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiYnG4Nmess5QrrZI3PHQg/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/gnghospital_en
FB: https://www.facebook.com/gnghospital.eng

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

How Can Eyelid Surgery Change My Look?

Do you often hear that you look tired? Blepharoplasty (more commonly known as eyelid surgery or an eyelid lift) tightens or removes excess sagging skin around the eyes, resulting in a smoother, more youthful appearance. 

People assume that eyelids are just lines above our eyes. But the truth is, eyelid surgery isn't performed only for the crease, but it is performed to balance and bring more attention to the Eyes. Our eyes are what captivates people, it is the first impression of our face.

Bringing more attention and balance to your eyes not only just makes a crease, but really brightens and opens up our eyes a more balanced, youthful glow

Our blepharoplasty specialist and he has been working in his field for over 13 years. He developed the micro incision technique to reduce harsh scarring after surgery like the old traditional method did. 

Surgery Time: 1-2.5 hours
Anesthesia: Local + IV sedation
Stitch removal: Day 3-7
Estimated recovery time:  5-10 days major swelling / bruising
Time off work: 1-2 days

For more information about which eyelid surgery is best for you, let us know!

 Connect with Us!

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Skype : gnghospital4
 Line: gngplasticsurgery
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035/+821090162035
 English Tel: +827044582933/+827044582943

Monday, December 18, 2017

Full Face Fat Graft

Full face fat graft 

Adding fat to the mid area of the face will help add volume and dimension for a more youthful image and smaller face.

Fat will be taken from the stomach or thigh region, stitches will be removed from the 5th-7th day post op.
The average absorption rate is estimated to be around 30-40%. 
Stem cell injection or PRP injection can also be considered after a consultation to increase.
Constant movement of muscles in the fat grafted area can cause higher absorption rate. 
Botox injection is recommended to help ensure longevity to the fat.

<Before and after full face fat graft>

 Connect with Us!

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Skype : gnghospital4
 Line: gngplasticsurgery
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035/+821090162035
 English Tel: +827044582933/+827044582943

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Why GNG Hospital ?

Please click the image to open in full size :)

 Connect with Us!

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Skype : gnghospital4
 Line: gngplasticsurgery
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035/+821090162035
 English Tel: +827044582933/+827044582943

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

GNG Hospital's Location and Airport Pick up Service

GNG Hospital is located in Samsung dong which is an affluent neighborhood or ward of Gangnam-gu in Seoul.

You can take a subway line no.9 and get down at Bongeunsa station.
Once you come out of exit 3 and walk straight for 3 mins, you will be able to see us :)

<Subway line no.9>

GNG Hospital Address
626 Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, GNG Hospital

강남구 영동대로 626 (삼성동 지앤지빌딩) 
This is our address in Korean. In case, you want to show our address to a taxi driver, you can show this one. 

Once you book a surgery appointment with us, we arrange your airport pick up service to your hotel/GNG Hospital.

Just let us know your flight details ;)

<Name card>

Please make sure to come out of designated gate after the baggage claim. Our driver will wait for you outside of your gate holding your name card.   

We are looking forward to seeing you :)

 Connect with Us!

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Skype : gnghospital4
 Line: gngplasticsurgery
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035/+821090162035
 English Tel: +827044582933/+827044582943

Friday, December 8, 2017

Skin Graft Rhinoplasty for a Piggy Nose

How Can I Correct My Piggy Nose?

Visible #nostrils ? Upturned nose? Pinched nose? Skin grafts can be very good at matching nose skin if chosen from the correct location. The inner ear or "concha" can be useful for nose tips since it may have similar pore appearance due to glands called sebaceous glands on the nose and ear. Other areas behind and in front of the ear can also be used but the skin color and texture and thickness match are critical.

Please consult with a board certified specialist who can assist you with achieving the results you seek.

Not only does GNG focus on the surgery itself, but on the importance of systematic post-operative care. From therapeutically pressure-concentrated oxygen treatment to high-frequency infrared de-swelling laser care, the quickest, smoothest recovery can be ensured. With 31 private hospital rooms ready in our ward under the finest clinical care by the leading medical team, the patient can stay up to 1-2 nights to ensure a thorough, safe, and full recovery during their stay

Connect With Us!
Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
Skype/WeChat : gnghospital4
Line: gngplasticsurgery
Email: surgeon@gnghospital.com
Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035 
English Tel: +82-70-4626-6042

HOMEPAGE: http://www.gnghospital.com/en/
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/gngplasticsurgerykorea/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiYnG4Nmess5QrrZI3PHQg/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/gnghospital_en
FB: https://www.facebook.com/gnghospital.eng

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Will Facial Fat Grafting Make Me Look Younger?

Facial Fat Graft

Facial fat grafting is a very common procedure in Korea. Nowadays, people who are generally in their mid to late thirties will undergo this procedure in virtue of its anti-aging benefits. This procedure involves harvesting fat cells from other parts of body with excess fat (particularly stomach or thigh region), purifying them, and then injecting them into areas lacking in volume.


Full face fat grafting for your forehead, under eye, frontal cheek, smile lines, and chin can be ideal to add volume and dimension into your face. You will look much more youthful and feminine, while restoring balance into your face
From the side, the face lacks dimension from the side profile line from the forehead, cheek, and chin tip. From the front, the under eye hallows and lumpy forehead is more obvious. Adding fat to the mid areas of the face will help add volume and dimension for a more youthful image and smaller face. Fat will be taken from the stomach or thigh region, stitches will be removed on 7th day post op.

General Information
✔️Surgery time: 1-1.5 hours
✔️Anesthesia: Local anesthesia + IV Sedation

✔️Recovery time: 2-3 days

✔️Major swelling: 2-3 weeks
Most Common Areas of Injection
➖Under eye
➖Anterior cheek
➖Lower cheek
➖Nasolabial fold
➖Chin tip
Most Common Areas of Harvest
➖Abdominal region
➖Inner/outer thigh

Connect With Us!
Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
Skype/WeChat : gnghospital4
Line: gngplasticsurgery
Email: surgeon@gnghospital.com
Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035 
English Tel: +82-70-4626-6042

HOMEPAGE: http://www.gnghospital.com/en/
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/gngplasticsurgerykorea/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiYnG4Nmess5QrrZI3PHQg/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/gnghospital_en
FB: https://www.facebook.com/gnghospital.eng