Thursday, November 2, 2017

Post Operation Treatment in GNG Hospital!

Patient needs to come for post-op treatment.
Our treatment center is located at 6th floor in GNG Hospital :)
Our professional nurse team will take care of you after the surgery!

<2nd day post-op> 
***Patient gets maximum swelling on the 3rd day post-op!!!

Removing tapes and the stitches under the ears for ACCU sculpt.

Removing the nose tape and packing!
After the packing removal, patient can breathe with their nose again!

Checking inner nose to make sure everything is fine. 

One of the deswelling treatments : LED light treatment. 

One of the deswelling treatments : Highly concentrated Oxygen therapy.

GNG Hospital has thorough after care system for the patient's fast recovery :)

Connect with Us!

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Skype : gnghospital4
 Line: gngplasticsurgery
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035/+821090162035
 English Tel: +827044582933/+827044582943

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