Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Facial Contouring Surgery!

Dani had zygoma reduction and V-line surgery :)

Patient needs to sign on the consent form before the surgery. 
This time, our consultant explains about the surgery once more.

After facial contouring surgery, patient will be moved to the recovery room which is connected to the surgery room to recover from anesthesia.
Professional nurses will monitor patient's condition during the recovery. 

Patient is moved to the private room in a ward at 8F.

After those facial contouring, patient stays in a ward for 2 nights.

The white bandage around the face which is preventing from excessive swelling will be removed on the 3rd day post-op.

GNG Hospital offers free hair shampoo service. 
Hair shop is 5 mins away from our hospital on foot :)

Before seeing doctor for the last time, we take one more 3D-CT scan and X-ray for the patient to show the result precisely. 
Even though Dr.Choi shows to patients their excised bone in person after the surgery.

 Connect with Us!

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Skype : gnghospital4
 Line: gngplasticsurgery
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035/+821090162035
 English Tel: +827044582933/+827044582943

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