Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Consultation Before Facial Contour Surgery

One of our happy patients, Yulia is back after 4 months of rhinoplasty for her facial contouring, chin implant, lips filler as well as fat graft surgery!

You can find her previous surgery information from below link :)
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She came to meet our consultant to sign up the consent form.

*** We have Korean department and also translation available in English, Chinese, Thai and more. Please let us know your language preference :) ***

Patient brought some photos of ideal face shape for doctor's reference.

*** Doctor let her know whether is suitable for her face and achievable considering over all face features as well as limitations ***

Before facial contouring surgery, patient takes several medical scans for doctor to analyze to set up precise and safe surgery plan for each patient. 


Doctor is showing her what kind of result she would get after the surgery.

 Connect with Us!

 Kakao: gnghospital / gnghospital3
 Skype : gnghospital4
 Line: gngplasticsurgery
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035/+821090162035
 English Tel: +827044582933/+827044582943

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