If one has hump nose, he needs to consider hump reduction surgery to get soft image from angry and sharp image!
"GNG Hospital will let you know 3 key points when you choose a hospital for male hump rhinoplasty!"
Top 3 points when you choose a hospital for male hump rhinoplasty!
1. Remove hump with suitable method according to patient's nose height!
<There are 3 types of hump nose>
1.Big hump+high nose
2. Big hump only
3. Small hump+low nose
<Big hump+high nose>
Hump nose has protruded bone in the middle of the nose bridge.
<Big hump only>
It is not applicable to all the cases but if one has big hump and high nose, not like other hospital, we just remove only the hump. If necessary, we use patient's own cartilage or dermis to make smooth line instead of artificial implant.
Basically, specialized hospital in male hump rhinoplasty doesn't over remove the bone so that doesn't use unnecessary implant!
2. Specialized hospital for male hump rhinoplasty takes 3D-CT scan prior to surgery to diagnose the cause!
Especially, hump nose usually has deviated septum as well.
Please make sure that, if doctor doesn't fix this, patient tends to get nasal obstruction after hump reduction!
3. Specialized hospital in male hump rhinoplasty fixes the functional problem, like nasal obstruction at the same time!
And also, those who have hump nose have deviated nose and septum as well so there are many cases which they get hump reduction as well as functional surgery together.
That is because in hump nose usually septum grows rapidly and makes protruded bone. The septum and bone grow vertically so that the force makes septum cartilage deviated to one side.

So when patient gets male hump rhinoplasty in GNG Hospital, we check patient's deviated septum, nasal obstruction and possibility of nasal blockage after rhinoplasty and perform the surgery to fix hump and functional problem together.

So when patient gets male hump rhinoplasty in GNG Hospital, we check patient's deviated septum, nasal obstruction and possibility of nasal blockage after rhinoplasty and perform the surgery to fix hump and functional problem together.
"If you have hump nose and nasal blockage, you need to consider possibility of deviated septum"
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