Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Treatment for Nasal Obstruction at GNG Hospital!

When you frequently have nasal blockage even though you don't have a cold and it gets temporarily better but worse again after taking medication, it is not just a simple nasal blockage.

You must consider allergic rhinitis or deviated septum!

<Treatment for nasal blockage due to allergic rhinitis>

<Allergic rhinitis>

<Vasomotor rhinitis>


+ Surgical treatment if necessary (Outward fracture, high frequency radiation rhinitis surgery,ect.)

If nasal blockage is caused by allergy,we treat patient with medication or immunotherapy without surgery!

<Treatment method for nasal blockage caused by inner structure>

But if the problem is inner structure, you can get rid of nasal blockage with surgical procedure!

Patient needs to take 3D-CT scan first to find out causes of nasal blockage and for doctors to diagnose precisely about rhinitis, deviated septum, nasal valve and sinusitis!

4 Months after rhinoplasty+deviated septum+nasal valve surgery

Surgery takes about 30~40 mins.
After the surgery, we put nose packing inside nose to prevent from excessive bleeding.
Patient needs to breathe with mouth for 1~2 days so it can be uncomfortable and stuffy during that time but patient needs to be careful and avoids touching the area!

1 Month after rhinoplasty+deviated septum+nasal valve+rhinitis surgery

Right after we remove nose packing, it doesn't give instant improvement.
Patient will eventually feel easy to breathe after swelling goes down and it takes some time to heal.

These days, there are more and more people who get rhinoplasty as well as functional surgery at the same time in both gender.
They prefer rhinoplasty and functional surgery to be done all at once since nasal blockage surgery can be covered by insurance!

GNG Hospital cares about inner structure and has joint system with ENT specialists who can improve nasal blockage, rhinoplasty specialists for beautiful nose shape and anesthesiologists for safe surgery. There are so many satisfied patients who give us good reviews!

Connect with Us!
 Kakao: gnghospital
 Line/Skype/Wechat: gngplasticsurgery
 Twitter: GNGHospital_EN
 Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035
 English Tel: +827044582933


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