Thursday, December 22, 2016

[GNG Plastic Surgery Diary] Facial Contouring + No-Implant Rhinoplasty

GNG Real Plastic Surgery Review

Before Surgery
"Compared to all of my friends, my cheekbones are so big! It has always been such an insecurity of mine! Since my nose had a bump too, I felt like my face was bumpy in every angle! That's why I decided to go through with plastic surgery! You know, I actually worked as a part-timer at a clinic before, but I stayed away from all the patients and just worked in the office... I long to be one of those pretty, smiling coordinators. Actually, I attended an institute and got my nursing license, and completed the coordination course. In order to get over my insecurity, I really wanna become a pretty coordinator!

When I worked at the other clinic, I actually had heard about GNG Hospital being well known for facial bone and rhinoplasty surgery, so naturally, I just went with it. There was a lady who worked there that had actually gotten her nose done there for functional reasons. The shape was absolutely stunning! She claimed her breathing had greatly improved and highly recommended Dr. Sung!

So, because of her recommendation, I went to GNG NO-IMPLANT route and chose to do nose surgery without an implant!"

작고 마른 체구에 비해 광대가 유난히 발달해서 정말 컴플렉스였어요. 더구나 코까지 매무리코라 제 얼굴은 여기저기 360도로 돌출된 울퉁불퉁한 얼굴이라 성형을 결심했어요.
병원에서 아르바이트를 한 적이 있는데 저는 손님 앞에 나서지 않는 단순 사무직이었어요. 예쁘고 상냥한 미소를 짓는 코디네이터를 동경하게 되었고
실제로 학원도 다니고 간호조무사 자격증을 취득하고 코디네이터 과정도 수료했어요.
그리고 마지막으로 외모 컴플렉스를 이겨내고 예쁜 코디네이터가 되고 싶었습니다.

지앤지병원은 다른 병원에서 일할 때 코성형과 안면윤곽 수술로 입소문이 났던 곳이라 자연스럽게 선택하게 되었어요. 거기 직원 언니가 지앤지에서 코막힘 코성형을 했는데 모양도 예쁜데 지긋지긋한 코막힘이 사라졌다고 강추했었거든요~
그래서 저도 그 때 언니가 했던 코막힘수술과 인공보형물이 없는 노플란트코성형을 받고 싶었어요.
노플란트 코성형은 원장님, 광대,사각턱,턱끝 윤곽3종은 최영달 원장님께서 수술해주셨어요.

Day of Surgery
I was hospitalized for a night then discharged the very next day. I took this photo at home, by the way.
수술 후 하루 입원하고 다음날 퇴원해서 집에서 찍은 사진이에요. 

Third Day Post-op
I had always heard that the worst swelling is on the third day post-op, but for me it was probably on the second and it started improving by the third day.
후기들 보니까 3일째 부기가 젤 심하다고 하는데 저는 2일째 심했고 3일째부터는 쭉쭉빠졌어요.

1 Week Post-op
By the first week, the swelling started to go down in a downward motion. Even though I still look really swollen now, I notice that the area where my BIG cheekbones were are no longer there! The gap where they would protrude is no longer there too! I'm so glad!
일주차에요 부기가 아래로 내려와서 너무 빵빵해 보이지만 툭 튀어나왔던 광대가 없어지니까 너무 신기하고 좋았어요. 광대 때문에 생기던 볼쪽에 음영이 지던 라인도 안보이고 ㅠㅠ 
너무 좋았어요.

4 Weeks Post-op
I'm going on a month-long trip to Europe now!
Only a girl like me can go on a trip to Europe during her recovery! haha

Most of the big swelling is gone now and I can eat pretty ok now so I don't have much to hide anymore.

I'm loving my nose and facial contour in every angle a take a picture. Is till think my nose is a little bit too high, but I'll wait till the swelling goes down haha

저는 한달간 유럽여행을 떠났어요~ 
나란여자 유럽에서 회복하고 온 여자 ㅋㅋ 
유럽여행이 많이 걷게 되서 그런가 부기 걱정 없이 큰 부기는 다 빠졌고 먹는 것도 가리는거 없이 다 잘 먹고 다녔답니다 ㅋㅋ
이건 유럽 어딘가 숙소 복도에서 찍은 사진이에요 정면에서도 측면에서도 입체감 있는 코끝과 콧대 맘에 들었어요~ 아직 미간쪽이 약간 높다고 생각했는데 기다려 봅니다. ㅎㅎ

3 Months Post-op
Today is the day of my photo shoot at GNG. I never could have imagined I would be doing this type of thing. I'm getting my hair and make-up done by professionals so I feel soo nervous, but excited! It is my first time infront of the camera, so I have no idea how the photos will turn out. I'm so out of it!

지앤지 화보촬영날이에요~ 내가 모델이 될꺼라고는 상상도 못했었는데... 유명 사진작가님과 메이크업, 헤어 아티스트 전문가 분들과 촬영을 하는데 긴장도 되고 신기했어요! 
카메라 앞에 서보는게 처음이라 긴장돼서 내가 제대로 웃고 있는 건지 정신이 없었네요~

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Cell / Whatsapp : +821054732035
Office: +827044582933

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